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发布时间:2009/10/19  阅读次数:3391  字体大小: 【】 【】【

性 质


宗 旨


职 能

★ 按党和国家政策,对行业的重大问题进行研究,向政府提出有关改革、发展、产业政策、经济技术政策、立法等方面的意见和建议。
★ 受政府委托,参与制定行业规划和计划,对重大投资项目进行调研、论证、并提出初审意见。
★ 经政府部门同意,开展行业统计、发布行业信息、编辑出版行业刊物。
★ 经政府部门授权,参与国家标准、行业标准的制定和修订工作,参与本行业有关法律、法规及规章等文件的制定工作。
★ 受政府委托开展行业质量行检、行评和产品认证、质量管理、监督工作,向国内外食品企业推荐优质产品与新产品。
★ 组织科研攻关和技术创新工作,组织成果鉴定。
★ 组织行业人才培训和人才交流工作。
★ 发展与国外相关组织的联系,代表行业参加有关国际会议和国际组织,开展国内外的经济技术方面的合作,交流和展览、展销活动。
★ 反映会员要求,组织发展行业公益事业,承担政府、行业企业及会员、联系会员单位委托的其他工作。

理事长:朱念琳 秘书长:周广军
地址:北京市阜成门外大街乙22号 邮编:100833
电话:86-10-68396530 传真:86-10-68396567

China Association of Bakery & Confectionery Industry

China Association of Bakery & Confectionery Industry is a mass organization composed by voluntary enterprises and industrial companies for production of bread, pastry, biscuits, candies, chocolate, crystal sugar, frozen food (ice cream, Eskimo pie, ice candies and etc.), instand food (instant noodles, instant rice noodles, instant rice, instant porridge and etc.), preserved fruits, snacks and etc., and the relative enterprises and universities , and the enterprises of trade in raw materials and equipment for bakery and confectionery products and etc.. It is a nation-wide transregional and transdepartment organization that neither gains profit nor cares for ownership. It is an entity of a mass organization and a class one state level association. It is State Administration of State Property that controls the professional operation of the association.
The main missions for the association are to act as a bridge and link between is members and government departments, assisting government departments to well control the national bakery and confectionery industry, serving its members, maintaining legal rights of all the members participated so as to further promote the development of the industry.
Based on the regulation of the State Economic and Trade Commission and approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the main tasks of the Association are as follows;
To carry out research on important issues in the industry based on the policies published by the Party and the State. To raise suggestions and comments to the government on the policies of reform, development, industry and economic technology and legislation.
To patticipate the formation of industry programming and plan and carry out evaluation programs for some important projects entrusted by the government and raise preliminary evaluation results.
Permitted by the government ministry, to collect data of the industry news, to edit and publish the industry periodicals.
To participate in the state and industry-standards making and revising, the drawing up of laws, legislation and regulations related to the industry, empowered by the government ministry.
To carry out quality examinations and product appraising in the industry and product recommend good quality and new products to food producers at home and abroad entrusted by the government.
To organize research and technology works and hold result appraisal.
To organize personnel training and exchanged.
To develop the contact with the related organizations abroad, to participate the related international meetings and organizations on behalf of the industry, to carry out the cooperation, exchange and fairs and marketing campaign in the field of economy and technology both at home and abroad.
To inform the needs of members to related departments, organize and promote public welfare activities and carry out other works required by the government, industry, enterprises and members.

President: Zhu Nianlin Secretary General: Zhou Guangjun
Add: No.22B, Fuwai Street, Beijing, P.R. China Postcode: 100833
Tel:86-10-68396530 Fax:86-10-68396567
E-mail: bakery@china-bakery.com.cn

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